Tattoo Aftercare

Keep Saniderm on for 24-48hrs. Wash tattoo 3 to 5 times a day using liquid antibacterial soap (Dial). Pat tattoo dry and apply a thin layer of Mad Rabbit balm for the first 3 to 5 days. Afterwards, continue to wash tattoo with the liquid antibacterial soap and follow up with non-scented lotion as often as possible.

Piercing Aftercare

Clean piercing 3 to 5 times a day using liquid antibacterial soap (Dial) on a Q-Tip. Gently dry the piercing and apply saline solution around the area. For oral piercings, please rinse mouth with alcohol free mouthwash 3 to 5 times a day and after any meal and smoking. Avoid spicy food as it can cause discomfort and swelling.

If you start to get a bump (keloid) on your piercing(external), follow your typical cleaning routine and then rub some tea tree oil around the area.